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​Angor Quarry (5-man Trial)


​Chaotic Dawn: [Rapier] +18 CRIT rate +30 ATK SPD Attacking has a 5% chance to increase ACC +212 and decrease MP cost -50; lasts 10 sec.​
Holy Execution: [Mace] +30 ACC +21 M-CRIT rate Attacking has a 5% chance to decrease target's Holy resistance -15 points; lasts 10 sec.​

Formulas & Blueprints:

Chaotic Dawn, Holy Execution


Chaotic Heart, Doomsday Kernel, Merchant Mysterious Box 2, Lost City Rosette
Trophy: Herak's Crystal: Max HP +249 When attacked, received damage decreases -50. Attacking has a 5% chance to increase DEF +2212 points; lasts 10 sec.

Mori Mori

​Shocking Tuning Fork: [Club] +18 CRIT rate +9 CRIT DMG Attacking has a 5% chance to increase STR +111 points and deal Nature damage +98 points; lasts 10 sec.
Frozen Touch: [Cestus] +18 CRIT rate +30 ATK SPD Attacking has a 5% chance to decrease the target's ATK SPD -20%; lasts 10 sec. Doesn't affect Bosses.​

Formulas & Blueprints:

Frozen Touch, Shocking Tuning Fork

Chaotic Heart, Doomsday Kernel, Demonic Remains, Merchant Mysterious Box 2, Lost City Top Hat​

​Trophy: Mori Mori's Mucous: Max MP +249  All Elemental resistances +3 When attacking, you have a 2% chance of transforming your target into a Mushroid; lasts 6 seconds. Doesn't affect Bosses.

Fort Verdue (5-man Trial)


​Violent Traitor: [Bow] +60 ACC Points +36 CRIT Rate Points Attacking has a 5% chance to decrease the target's Pierce resistance -15 points; lasts 10 sec.
Devil Tempo: [Guitar] +60 ACC Points +42 M-CRIT Rate Points Attacking has a 5% chance to increase M-CRIT Rate +212 points; lasts 10 sec.​

Formulas & Blueprints:

Violent Traitor, Devil Tempo

Chaotic Heart, Doomsday Kernel, Demonic Remains, Merchant Mysterious Box 2, Lost City Luck Clover​
Trophy: Quade's Nine Disciplines: STR +35  Attack SPD +71 Attacking has a 5% chance to increase CRIT Rate +213 ; lasts 10 sec.​


​Devil Thunder Power: [Hammer] +55 G-Healing Points +115 Parry Points Attacking or casting skills has a 5% chance to increase WIS +208; lasts 10 sec.​
Warlord Fire Pistol: [Gun] +36 CRIT Rate Points +60 ATK SPD Points Attacking has a 5% of causing the target to receive 2x damage.​

Formulas & Blueprints:

Devil Thunder Power, Warlord Fire Pistol

Chaotic Heart, Doomsday Kernel, Demonic Remains, Merchant Mysterious Box 2, Lost City Spectacles​
Trophy: Ketak's Hawk Conch: LCK +35  MP Cost -33 Attacking has a 2% chance to summon an Ogre to assist you in combat; lasts 30 sec.

Vileshark Headquarters (8-man Trial)


​Techno Performer: [Guitar] +48 EVA Points +55 G-Healing Points  Attacking or casting skills has a 20% chance to randomly cancel one negative status.
Gale Feather Bow: [Bow] +48 EVA Points +60 ATK SPD Points  Attacking has a 5% chance to decrease target's Move SPD -20%; lasts 10 sec. Doesn't affect Bosses.
Cruel Magic Barrier: [Shield] +27 G-Healing Points +115 Block Points  Attacking or casting skills has a 5% chance to increase WIS +111 and DEF +1106; lasts 10 sec.​

Formulas & Blueprints:

Techno Performer, Gale Feather Bow, Cruel Magic Barrier

Chaotic Heart, Doomsday Kernel, Demonic Remains​
Trophy: Kedar's Tidal Scroll: Skill MP consumption -33  Cast SPD +71  Attacking or casting skills has a 5% chance to recover HP and MP +109 every second; lasts 8 sec.​


Primal Wrath Wand: [Staff] +42 M-CRIT Rate Points +48 Cast SPD Points  Attacking has a 5% chance to increase Cast SPD +353; lasts 10 sec.

​Wild Arrogance: [Cestus] +30 ACC Points +18 CRIT DMG Points  Attacking has a 5% chance of casing the target to recieve 2x damage.​
Dire Light Mace: [Mace] +24 Cast SPD Points +27 G-Healing Points  Attacking has a 5% chance to increase WIS +111 and DEF +1106; lasts 10 sec.​

Formulas & Blueprints:

Primal Wrath Wand, Wild Arrogance, Dire Light Mace

Chaotic Heart, Doomsday Kernel, Demonic Remains​
Trophy: Charles's Angellies Secret Scroll: INT & WIS +18  Attack deal Lightning damage +50.  Attacking has 2% chance to cause the target's Cast Skill Failrue Rate to increase +100%; lasts 6 seconds. Doesn't Affect Bosses.


Skull Cutter: [Dagger] +30 ACC Points +18 CRIT Rate Points  Attacking has a 5% chance of granting causing the target to recieve 2x damage.​

​Overview of Elements: [Grimoire] +48 EVA Points +55 G-Healing Points  Attacking or casting skills has a 5% chance to increase WIS +111 and all Elemental Resistance +10; lasts 10 sec.​
Neutron Collapse: [Axe] +40 P-Healing Points +115 Parry Points  Attacking has a 5% chance to decrease the target's P-ATK & M-ATK -20%; lasts 10sec. Doesn't affect Bosses.​

Formulas & Blueprints:

Skull Cutter, Overview of Elements, Neutron Collapse

Chaotic Heart, Doomsday Kernel, Demonic Remains​
Trophy: Axe Moss's Eternal Flame Candle: STR +35  +249 HP  Attacking has 3% chance to Disarm target; close combat weopons become ATK 0; lasts 8 seconds; can't be canceled. Doesn't affect Bosses.​

One-Eyed Roger

​Steel Warlord: [Sword] +30 ACC Points +20 P-Healing Points  Attacking has a 5% chance to decrease target's ATK SPD and Cast SPD -30%; lasts 10 sec. Doesn't affect Bosses.​

​Storm Tale Ring: [Ring] +28 ACC Points +8 M-CRIT DMG Points  When attacking have 5% chance M-ATK +1327 points, lasts 10 sec.​
Ancient Signet Ring: [Ring] +28 ACC Points +8 CRIT DMG Points  Attacking has a 5% chance to increase ATK +1327 points; lasts 10 sec.​

​Formulas & Blueprints:​
Blueprint: Demon Sight, Ancient Signet Ring, Storm Tale Ring, Steel Warlord​

Chaotic Heart, Doomsday Kernel, Demonic Remains, Lost City Garb (M), Lost City Threads (F)​
Trophy: Taen's Great Nautical Map: All Elemental Resistances +3  Attacks deal +50 extra damage.  Attacking or casting skills has 3% chance to increase all stats 14; lasts 10 sec. Can stack 3 times.

Ulta Hall (8-man Trial)


Shadow Lacetator: [Dagger] +24 EVA Points +30 ATK SPD Points  Attacking has a 5% chance to increase ACC +212 and EVA +212; lasts 10 sec.​

​Blazing Jet: [Gun] +36 CRIT Rate Points +18 CRIT DMG Points  Attacking has a 5% chance to increase P-ATK +995 points and ACC +141 points; lasts 10 sec.​
Death Sender: [Rapier] +30 ACC Points +9 CRIT DMG Points  Attacking has a 5% chance to deal Lightning damage +131; lasts 10 sec.​

Formulas & Blueprints: 

Shadow Lacetater, Blazing Jet, Death Sender

Chaotic Heart, Doomsday Kernel, Demonic Remains​
Trophy: Kenny's Black Flame Stone: AGI +35  Malice caused by attacks -5% Attacking has a 10% chance to randomly cancel a positive status of the enemy. Doesn't affect Bosses.


​Night Devil Howl: [Axe] +36 CRIT Rate Points +18 CRIT DMG Points  When attacking have a 5% chance to causing the target decreased slash resistance 15 points; lasts 10 sec.​

​Heresy Claw: [Staff] +42 M-CRIT Rate Points +18 M-CRIT DMG Points  Attacking has a 5% chance to increase INT +165 points and AGI +82 points; lasts 10 sec.​
Horrible Nightmare: [Sword] +18 CRIT Rate Points +9 CRIT DMG Points  Attacking has a 5% chance to decrease target's HP -281 every second; lasts 10 sec.​

Formulas & Blueprints:

Horrible Nightmare, Heresy Claw, Night Devil Howl

Chaotic Heart, Doomsday Kernel, Demonic Remains​
Trophy: Tiamat's Eternal Dragon Soul: Max HP +249  All DEF +553 Attacking or casting skills has a 5% chance to increase all Elemental resistances +10 ; lasts 12 sec.​


Death Weaver Staff: [Club] +24 EVA Points +20 P-Healing Points  Attacking has a 5% chance to decrease target's P-ATK and M-ATK -10% and ATK SPD & CAST SPD -20%; lasts 10 sec. Doesn't affect Bosses.​

​Bloody Torture Guide: [Grimoire] +60 ACC Points +18 M-CRIT DMG Points  Attacking has a 5% chance to increase M-ATK +1327 points; lasts 10 sec.
Turbine Hammer: [Hammer] +42 M-CRIT Rate Points +18 M-CRIT DMG Points  Attacking has a 5% chance to deal Lightning damage +131 points; lasts 10 sec​

Formulas & Blueprints:

Turbine Hammer, Bloody Torture Guide, Death Weaver Staff

Chaotic Heart, Doomsday Kernel, Demonic Remains​
Trophy: Gamera's Voodoo Turtle Shell: Fire Resistance +10  M-Crit Rate +72 Attacking or casting skills has a 5% chance to recover MP +218.

Captain Kasin

​Holy Light Deserter: [Shield] +20 P-Healing Points +115 Block Points  Attacking has a 5% chance to increase DEF +1106 points and all Elemental Resistances +10 points; last 10 sec.​

​God Journey Ring: [Ring] +22 Cast SPD Points +25 G-Healing Points  Attacking or casting skills has a 5% chance to increase WIS +111 and Move SPD +10%; lasts 10 sec.​
Final Destination Ring: [Ring] +28 ACC Points +22 EVA Points  Attacking or casting skills has a 5% chance to increase HP +299 every second; last 10 sec.​

Formulas & Blueprints:

Final Destination Ring, God Journey Ring, Holy Light Deserter, Blueprint: Versatile Medal

Chaotic Heart, Doomsday Kernel, Demonic Remains, Lost City Hoodie (M), Lost City Day-Off Combo (F)​
Trophy: Kasin's Temple Discipline: Holy Resistance +10  Cast SPD +71 Increases a single healing spell +296

Level 50 Trial Drop List

Copyright 2012 My Eden Eternal. All references of the game "Eden Eternal" are copyrighted X-Legends & Aeria Games.

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