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​Mayor's Dream (5-man Trial)

Sky Crush Fist: [Cestus] +39 ACC Points, +24 CRIT Rate Points  Attacks have 5% chance to decrease target's DEF -20%; lasts 10 seconds. Doesn't affect Bosses. ï»¿*Awakenable*
Battle Destiny: [Grimoire] +79 ACC Points, +18 M-CRIT DMG Points  Attacks have 5% chance to cause Holy DMG +210; lasts 10 seconds. *Awakenable*
Broken Star Necklace: [Necklace] +25 M-CRIT Rate Points +8 M-CRIT DMG Points  Attacks have a 5% chance of increasing M-ATK +2124; lasts 10 seconds

Fear Core, Evolution Blood, Merchant Cryptic Crate 5​

Formulas & Blueprints 

Hand Enchant - Beast Blood Lv2, Sky Crush Fist, Battle Destiny, Broken Star Necklace, Giantslayer Boots

​Trophy: Dana's Fashion Bracelet: AGI +45  Decreases MP-cost by 50  When attacking or casting skills, have 5% chance of increasing Cast-SPD +270; lasts 10 seconds.​

Blood Wind Storm: [Rapier] +39 ACC Points +9 CRIT DMG Points  Attacks have 4% chance to trigger a Double Hit Effect​
Falling Star: [Bow] +79 ACC Points +47 CRIT Rate Points  Attacks have a 5% chance of decreasing targets pierce resistance -7 and increase P-ATK +2124; lasts 10 seconds
Antediluvian God Shield: [Shield] +42 G-Healing Points +151 Block Points  Attacking and Casting Skills have 5% chance to increase WIS +141 and DEF +1651; lasts 10 seconds.
Glitter Necklace: â€‹[Necklace] +29 EVA Points +39 G-Healing Points  Attacking has a 5% chance to increase Cloth Armor's DEF +5%; lasts 10 seconds
Fear Core, Evolution Blood, Merchant Cryptic Crate 5​
Formulas & Blueprints​

Leg Enchant - Gale Lv2, Glitter Necklace, Blood Wind Storm, Antediluvian God Shield, Star Frost Boots

​Trophy: Alice's Instruction: AGI +45  EVA +90  When attacking, have 5% chance of increasing ATK SPD +270; lasts 10 seconds. *In game tooltip is incorrect. When active, the buff is ATK SPD, not Cast SPD.*

Infernal Blood Sword: [Sword] +39 ACC Points +24 CRIT Rate Points  Attacks have 5% chance of increasing P-ATK +2124; lasts 10 seconds​
Desert Eagle: [Gun] +47 CRIT Rate Points +79 ATK SPD Points  Attacks have 5% chance to increase ACC +141 and EVA +141; lasts 10 seconds

Formulas & Blueprints

Desert Eagle, Infernal Blood Sword, Spectral Pinion Boots, Spectral Pinion Crown, Moonlight Shimmer Robe, Zeus's Rage Band, Steel Faith Gaunlets

Fear Core, Evolution Blood, Merchant Cryptic Crate 5​

​Trophy: Alice's Dream Key: Move SPD +5%  Dark Resistance +10  Attacking has a 2% chance of summoning a Dream Maker

​Branda Root (5-man Trial)

Null Heart​
Infernal Light Sword: [Dagger] +31 EVA Points +24 ATK SPD Points  Attacks have 5% chance of increasing AGI +282; lasts 10 seconds. *Awakenable*
Galaxy Seal: [Grimoire] +63 EVA Points +85 G-Healing Points  Attacks have 5% to decrease damage received -210; lasts 8 seconds.
King Journey Necklace: [Necklace] +22 CRIT Rate Points +8 CRIT DMG Points  Attacks have 5% chance to increase P-ATK +1593, CRIT Rate +190 and MP-Cost +80​

Fear Core, Evolution Blood, Merchant Cryptic Crate 5​

​Formulas & Blueprints
Body Enchant - Iron Wall Lv2, Infernal Light Sword, Star Frost Gloves, Galaxy Seal. King Journey Necklace​

​Trophy: Null Heart's Tentacle: STR +45  Block Rate +5%  Attacking has a 5% chance to increase P-Healing +227; lasts 10 seconds

Heaven Angel Staff: [Mace] +31 Cast SPD Points +42 G-Healing Points  Attacks have 5% chance to increase WIS +141 and all Resistances +10; lasts 10 seconds. *Awakenable*
Reggae Harmony: [Guitar] +79 ACC Points +55 M-CRIT Rate Points  Attacks have 5% chance to increase M-ATK +2124 and fire resistance +7; lasts 10 seconds.
God's Eye Shield: [Shield] +31 P-Healing Points +151 Block Points  Attacks have a 5% chance of decreasing M-CRIT DMG received -20%; lasts 10 seconds. *Awakenable*
Holy Defender Necklace: ​[Necklace] +36 ACC Points +28 P-Healing Points  Attacking has 5% chance to increase Heavy Armor Defence +2%; lasts 10 seconds
Fear Core, Evolution Blood, Merchant Cryptic Crate 5​

​Formulas & Blueprints​
Waist Enchant - Ice Flame Lv2, Giantslayer Gloves, Reggae Harmony, Heaven Angel, God's Eye ShieldStaff. Holy Defender Necklace​

Trophy: Acilino's Fang: Max HP +371  WIS +45  Attacking and Casting skills have a 5% chance to increase G-Healing +227; lasts 10 seconds​

​Chest Event

​Formulas & Blueprints​
Spectral Pinion Gloves, Moonlight Shimmer Crown, Moonlight Shimmer Boots, Zeus’ Rage Brigandine, Star Frost Brigandine,  Steel Faith Belt, Giantslayer Tunic​

Fear Core, Evolution Blood​



​Slain (8-man Trial)


Darkness Devour Mace: [Mace] +39 ACC Points +27 M-CRIT Rate Points  Attacks have a 5% chance to increase M-ATK +1062 and Malice +30%; lasts 10 seconds
Heavy Metal Power: [Guitar] +63 EVA Points +85 G-Healing Points  Attacking or Casting Skills have 5% chance of increasing G-Healing +120 and decreasing MP-Cost -80; lasts 10 seconds. *Awakenable*​

​Titan's Violence: [Hammer] +55 M-CRIT Rate Points +18 M-CRIT DMG Points  Attacks have 5% chance of increasing P-ATK +4248; lasts 10 seconds

​Ancient Water Ring: ​[Ring] +29 Cast SPD Points +39 G-Healing Points  Attacks have 5% chance to increase WIS +141 and Move SPD +10%; lasts 10 seconds.
Fear Core, Evolution Blood, Enchanted Merchant's Treasure Chest 2​
Formulas & Blueprints​

Leg Enchant - Gale Lv2, Darkness Devour Mace, Heavy Metal Power, Titan's Violence, Ancient Water Ring, Star Frost Belt

​Trophy: Bayard's Toxic Spine: Max HP +371  Lightning Resistance +10  Has 1% chance to Stun the attacker when target is attacked; lasts 3 seconds. Doesn't affect Bosses

Dance Slaughter: [Sword] +24 CRIT Rate Points +9 CRIT DMG Points  Attacks have a 5% chance of causing target to decrease Slash Resistance -15; lasts 10 seconds. *Awakenable*
Flash Shadow: [Cestus] +24 CRIT Rate Points +39 ATK SPD Points  Malice -4% from attacks.
Blood Shout Axe: [Axe] +79 ACC Points +47 CRIT Rate Points  Attacks have 5% chance of increasing STR +188 and AGI +94; lasts 10 seconds. *Awakenable*
Spirit Howl Ring: ​[Ring] +36 ACC Points +8 M-CRIT DMG Points  M-ATK +319
Fear Core, Evolution Blood, Enchanted Merchant's Treasure Chest 2​

Formulas & Blueprints​​

Hand Enchant - Beast Blood Lv2, Spirit Howl Ring, Blood Shout Axe, Flash Shadow, Dance Slaughter, Giantslayer Belt

​Trophy: Anderli's Feather: Parry Rate increase +5%  Malice Generated +5%  When attacking have 5% chance of decreasing damage received by 650; lasts 3 seconds.

Defense Territory: [Club] +31 EVA Points +31 P-Healing Points  Attacks have a 5% chance of Shield DEF +30%; lasts 10 seconds. ï»¿*Awakenable*
Hecate Newborn Staff: ​[Staff] +55 M-CRIT Rate Points +18 M-CRIT DMG Points  Attacks have 5% chance to increase M-ATK +3186 and M-CRIT Rate +188 but MP-cost +160; lasts 10 seconds. *Awakenable*
Fear Core, Evolution Blood, Enchanted Merchant's Treasure Chest 2​

Formulas & Blueprints​

Head Enchant - Sniper Lv2, Steel Faith Tunic, Zeus's Rage Boots, Zeus's Rage Hat, Moonlight Shimmer Gloves, Spectral Pinion Band, Hecate Newborn Staff, Defense Territory

​Trophy: Kassidiin's Hard Shell: INT +45  Max MP +371  When attacking have 5% chance of increasing M-ATK +6439; lasts 8 seconds.

​Malice Palace (8-man Trial)

Glory Sacred War: [Sword] +39 ACC Points +31 P-Healing Points  Decreases physical critical damage by 3%​
Baroque Photon Gun: [Gun] +47 CRIT Rate Points +18 CRIT DMG Points  Attacks have 5% chance to increase STR +188 and AGI +94; lasts 10 seconds. *Awakenable*
Imperial Sanction Axe: [Axe] +65 P-Healing Points +151 Parry Points  Attacks have 5% chance of decreasing target's attacks -2124 and Max HP+597; lasts 10 seconds. Doesn't affect Bosses​
Hegemony Ring: ​[Ring] +36 ACC Points +8 CRIT DMG Points  Attacks have 5% chance to deal Fire Damage +210; lasts 10 seconds
Fear Core, Evolution Blood, Enchanted Merchant's Treasure Chest 2​
Formulas & Blueprints​

Waist Enchant - Ice Flame Lv2, Star Frost Crown, Hegemony Ring, Imperial Sanction Axe, Baroque Photon Gun, Glory Sacred War

​Trophy: Garson's Eye Drop: LCK +45  P-ATK + 297  Attacking has 5% chance to increase Crit Rate +270; lasts 10 seconds

Sacred Battle Mist: [Rapier] +34 CRIT Rate Points +39 ATK SPD Points  Attacks havea 5% chance of increasing EVA +188 and decreasing MP-Cost -80; lasts 10 seconds. *Awakenable*
Athena Hurricane Wing: [Bow] +63 EVA Points +79 ATK SPD Points  Attacks have 5% chance of decreasing target's Move SPD -10% and increase Move SPD +10%; lasts 10 seconds. Doesn't affect Bosses. *Awakenable*​
Mars' Storm: [Hammer] +85 G-Healing Points +151 Parry Points  Attacks have 5% chance of increasing WIS +142 and Move SPD +10%; lasts 10 seconds. *Awakenable*
Guardian Heart Ring: ​[Ring] +36 ACC Points +29 EVA Points  Attacks have a 5% chance to increase Light Armor DEF +30%; lasts 10 seconds
Fear Core, Evolution Blood, Enchanted Merchant's Treasure Chest 2​
Formulas & Blueprints​

Head Enchant - Sniper Lv2, Giantslayer Helmet,Guardian Heart Ring,Mars' Storm, Athena Hurricane Wing, Sacred Battle Mist

​Trophy: Doubledoor's Research Diary: Max HP +371  Holy Resistance +10  Attacking has a 15% chance of removing one negative status.

Blood Shouter: [Club] +24 CRIT Rate Points +9 CRIT DMG Points  Attacks have 5% chance of causing target to take double damage.
Light Scar Staff: ​[Staff] +55 M-CRIT Rate Points +63 Cast SPD Points  Attacks have a 4% chance to trigger a Double Hit Effect.
Fear Core, Evolution Blood, Enchanted Merchant's Treasure Chest 2​
Formulas & Blueprints​

Hand Enchant - Iron Wall Lv2,Steel Faith Boots, Steel Faith Helmet, Zeus's Rage Bracers, Moonlight Shimmer Belt, Spectral Pinion Robe, Light Scar Staff, Blood Shouter

​Trophy: Sagharra's Tasty Bone: AGI +45  M-ATK +297  Attacking has a 5% chance to increase M-Crit Rate +270; lasts 10 seconds


Level 65 Trial Drops

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